The Tutu Ballet by Sally Lee

The Tutu Ballet is a short picture book the celebrates the diversity of talents, sizes, and colors through the use of forest animals. The author directly uses the diversity of the young animals talents to show that everyone is special in their own way and by doing your best at what you're good at you can be a part of a whole.

None of the animals are good at doing every ballet move, but some can jump better, some can twirl better, and others can kick better. More subtle, the animals vary in color, size, and gender.

This would be an excellent introductory story about diversity for young children if you are looking for a story to spark a conversation about how we can be different but still wonderful.

The Dragonfly Secret by Clea & John Adams

The Dragonfly Secret is about a little boy who dies young but is very much alive in the afterlife. He reaches out to his parents through a Dragonfly he has befriended. His grandparents, also living in the afterlife, join him in helping to reach out to the grieving parents.

This book is very touching and sweet, and can provide reassurance to parents who have lost a child that they will see their child again.

Although this books message will appeal most to adults, children will also enjoy the vivid pictures and simple story.